In the winter, it is nice to cuddle up by a fire and read a book or hang our with someone you love. Problem is sooner or later you get really sick. Now why do we get sick in the winter and not summer? We spend even less time outside. Indoor air is more polluted than outside air. Throw in the mold that is being blown around your house because the ducts weren't cleaned. The air around us is something really to think about; too many chemicals, mold, bacteria,viruses.etc..
Winter does not have to mean sickness. Use mold air purifiers to kill mold in the air. Using hepa filtration, mold air purifiers are great at collecting contaminants like mold,viruses, bacteria, and germs. It is like a well kept secret to have mold air purifiers in your house. It should be the norm that everyone have mold air cleaners throughout the house; no one told you that these wonderful machines can clean the air so well. maybe you would not feel as sluggish.
To prevent mold and kill mold on surfaces, hepa vacuum all surfaces. Again, these vacuums suck up the dirt and do not throw anything back into the air like the old vacuums.
More tips: even though it is cold, open the window a bit. Freshen the air. The old drafty houses let more air in then the modern homes;no drafts in those houses. Newer houses are less healthy for being so air tight. good for the heating bill; bad for the health.
Let sun shine in; make sure curtains are open on a sunny day. The sun is very good for you. Remember, mold grows in warm, dark and damp places. So remember to keep the curtains open. hope you and your family have a healthy winter
Visit us at: StopMoldCold.Com/BeHealthy
Remember: Live Healthy...Be Happy!StopMoldCold.Com/BeHappy
Winter does not have to mean sickness. Use mold air purifiers to kill mold in the air. Using hepa filtration, mold air purifiers are great at collecting contaminants like mold,viruses, bacteria, and germs. It is like a well kept secret to have mold air purifiers in your house. It should be the norm that everyone have mold air cleaners throughout the house; no one told you that these wonderful machines can clean the air so well. maybe you would not feel as sluggish.
To prevent mold and kill mold on surfaces, hepa vacuum all surfaces. Again, these vacuums suck up the dirt and do not throw anything back into the air like the old vacuums.
More tips: even though it is cold, open the window a bit. Freshen the air. The old drafty houses let more air in then the modern homes;no drafts in those houses. Newer houses are less healthy for being so air tight. good for the heating bill; bad for the health.
Let sun shine in; make sure curtains are open on a sunny day. The sun is very good for you. Remember, mold grows in warm, dark and damp places. So remember to keep the curtains open. hope you and your family have a healthy winter
Visit us at: StopMoldCold.Com/BeHealthy
Remember: Live Healthy...Be Happy!StopMoldCold.Com/BeHappy
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