You may think that you have a clean, neat healthy house and not realize that there are some problems. You live in an energy efficient house and don' worry about those high heating bills. The basement is wet because you don' t own or use a dehumidifier. It smells a bit for the most part; you really do not think it is a big deal. After all, what would a wet basement have to do with being healthy? It's the fact that mold loves warm, dark and damp places. Mold spores are invisible and you might not see evidence of the problem. If you have some cardboard boxes or wood stored down in the basement, it might be black underneath without you realizing.
Mold in the house is not healthy for anyone. It is especially not healthy for those with asthma, mold allergies, allergies and other breathing conditions this includes small children and the elderly. If exposed on a daily basis, the reaction is worse over time. Soon asthma is hard to control and you are using an inhaler without realizing why.
Mold is not the only problem. When humidity rises chemical off-gassing occurs. Chemicals leach out into the air for all to breath in. Mold, viruses, bacteria, germs all thrive in humidity as well as dirt mites. It is really hard to believe that the makers of carpeting actually have formaldehyde in carpeting. The thought of a baby rolling around face in the formaldehyde is not a welcome thought. In addition to that there are many chemicals used on carpeting to make it anti-fungal. It is treated with chemicals like chlorine, bromine, and phosphorus during a chemical bath.For the most part, carpeting should be used sparingly in a house because of all the chemicals used in carpeting. Chemicals in the air like air fresheners, deodorizers, pesticides are eventually fall to the ground to be absorbed by carpeting. These chemicals are released over time into the air you breathe.
Mold in the house is not healthy for anyone. It is especially not healthy for those with asthma, mold allergies, allergies and other breathing conditions this includes small children and the elderly. If exposed on a daily basis, the reaction is worse over time. Soon asthma is hard to control and you are using an inhaler without realizing why.
Mold is not the only problem. When humidity rises chemical off-gassing occurs. Chemicals leach out into the air for all to breath in. Mold, viruses, bacteria, germs all thrive in humidity as well as dirt mites. It is really hard to believe that the makers of carpeting actually have formaldehyde in carpeting. The thought of a baby rolling around face in the formaldehyde is not a welcome thought. In addition to that there are many chemicals used on carpeting to make it anti-fungal. It is treated with chemicals like chlorine, bromine, and phosphorus during a chemical bath.For the most part, carpeting should be used sparingly in a house because of all the chemicals used in carpeting. Chemicals in the air like air fresheners, deodorizers, pesticides are eventually fall to the ground to be absorbed by carpeting. These chemicals are released over time into the air you breathe.
Are you one of those people that like to have the curtains closed and never have the windows open? The really bad new is the humidity of summer. Mold does not grow in sunlight. Having a fresh breeze blowing through the house will take some of those nasty chemicals with it. Stop buying so many chemicals. How many shampoos do you really need? Chemicals to clean? Maybe some more consumer education should occur so kids and their parents will realize that we are killing ourselves by all the chemicals that we willingly go out and purchase and use.
So what can you do to make your house healthier? Open the windows and get some fresh air. Fix leaks asap. There are some absolutely amazing devices that are needed to make fresh air in your house. Purchase allergy air purifiers. Use them according to the square footage of the room and floor. To be effective, an allergy air purifier must have hepa filtration. There are many other features that an allergy air purifier can have such as negative ion generation which produces fresh air and rids the air of mold, viruses, germs and bacteria. Ultraviolet Light purifiers works by harming the cell walls of microbes and destroying them. UV light has been used for decades in hospitals but why not in our houses? Electrostatic air purifiers use the "corona discharge" to create an electromagnetic field. Atoms pass through and gain a charge. Depending on what side they go through, the atoms pick up a negative or positive charge and are attracted to each other falling harmlessly to the floor. Activated charcoal mixed with Zeolite absorbs ions and molecules acts as a filter of odors, toxin removal and a chemical sieve. Folks with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity benefit greatly because this particular allergy air purifier removes formaldehyde, perfume, chemicals and anything that smells from the air. For MCS patients and other breathing conditions, it becomes much easier to breathe with this fresher air.
The topic of mold and indoor air quality is sparingly around. Who wants to tell people not to buy carpeting? Now the good news is that there are carpet manufacturers that are making carpeting made of natural fiber(not petroleum) wool, and these carpets are untreated. A lot more expensive but the health benefits make it worth you investment.
I leave you with a video to watch. Stop by my website: Lots of info and allergy air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and hepa vacuums are available through out suppliers. Great prices on top brands. Coupons, Clearance and Free shipping from some suppliers.
Visit : StopMoldCold.Com/BeHealthy
Visit : StopMoldCold.Com/BeHealthy
Please tell us what you think. Do you want to improve the air quality in your home? Is it important to you to kill mold? If not, why not? Live Healthy... Be Happy.
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