Do you want to be as healthy as you can be? Do you want this for your family especially young children? Why air purifiers are a must?
1. We spend 90% of our time indoors. Indoor air pollution can be anywhere from 2 to 100 times worse that the outside air especially if someone is smoking a cigarette inside. Cigarettes contain a whopping 4,000 chemicals. 69 Of are known to cause cancer. Actual tobacco companies reporting: American Tobacco Company, Brown and Williamson, Liggett Group, Inc., Philip Morris Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Source: Tri - County Cessation Center. Why smoke near the delicate developing lungs of children? Second hand smoke is known to cause asthma but what about the future of these children?
2. Homes contain biological contaminants: germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi (mold). Who wants germs, bacteria, viruses, and fungi (mold) in the air if you can get rid of it?
3. Chemical off gassing occurs especially at times of high humidity. It also occurs when new construction occurs. Ever breathe deeply when your carpeting is just installed? There are some serious suspected carcinogens in carpeting called Volatile Organic Compounds: Toulene, 4 phenyl cyclohexene, styrene. VOCs can cause eye and respiratory irritations, headaches and dizziness. Carpeting can also harbor: mold and mildew, dirt mites, pet dander, lead, pesticides, etc. Go with hard wood flooring. Also consider off- gassing of: cleaning products, hobby products, construction materials, etc. Source: John Hopkins Magazine, Sept. 2000
4. Why continue to live in polluted air? Air Purifiers remove 99.97% of all biological contaminants from the air. Essentially, the contaminants are sucked into the air purifiers and caught in a hepa filter. A hepa filter is a must in an air purifier. Another feature: activated charcoal filter will adsorb chemical, cigarette smoke, pollen to the filter. What is drawn to the filter sits on top of the surface of the filter. When the filter is full, replace it. Other features are: electrostatic air purifier, negative ion generator, ultraviolet air purifiers and hepa filtration. Purchase air purifiers with all these functions.
5. Place air purifiers throughout the house according to square footage. Have clean air in the whole house; a healthy environment for the family. Hopefully you are convinced. "Where do Americans encounter the greatest exposure to toxic chemicals? a) At superfund hazardous waste site or b) in the home or other indoor environments." (John Hopkins) Not to surprise you; it's your home. Do something about it. Lean more at our site:
Air Purifier
Lots of Household Chemicals
Breathing Fresh Air
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