Friday, August 3, 2012

The Bizarre Day After

 Went to the local amusement park with my daughter, my friend, and her 2 kids.  Rode about 10 rides.  Figured it was not as hot as it has been.  Felt ok so I watched the kids ages 4 and 6 while mom had a blast acting like a kid going down the water slides.  It was a great day and all had fun.
  The next day I thought my head was going to explode. I woke up and knew that the migraine required sleep medication  to sleep it off.  No light, no sound.  My muscles ripped with pain.  I could not massage out the pain.  Sleeping for hours did take off the edge off the migraine but I was absolutely worthless for the day.  Pain did not leave me.  I rested and was in a zombie like trance.  There is absolutly no medical explanation for what is happening.  Doctors keep looking and waiting for something to happen and it does not occur.
    This is some of the bizzare things that happen to biotoxic mold patients.  For the most part, we are locked up in our houses.  There are so little places to go or things we can do because they all make us sick.  I would not wish this life on anybody.
    Michael Rollins Williams, filmaker, and Karen Noseff, have made a movie chronicling what happens to the biotoxic mold patient.  Black Mold Exposure Movie A Sick Story is available at  Here is what is said about this 1st rate movie:

"Shocking and entertaining.  A must see."
                                          Planet Thrive
"Loved it.  You're are brilliant.  You're our hero."
                                          Gary A.
"I didn't expect it to be so moving."
                                           Jen B.
"You're going to want to watch this one."
                                           Film Threat

Keep reading this blog as I will share with you what happens with others.  You will also be able to access this info at:

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