Monday, May 7, 2012

Too Many People Dying Young

  Now what does that mean?  When you pick up the paper how many people are in the obituaries at the age of 40 or 50 or so?  More than should be.  At least 10% or more in my area.  You do not know because of the HIPPA laws.  Know a health professional working on a cancer unit and he was taken back by how many people were in their 40's and 50's dying of cancer.  The question is how did they get there? Were they doomed by poor genetics or can you alter the path of genetics and what is the key to doing that?
    Lots of questions but where are the answers and why does medicine not seem like it is in a hurry to find out why.  Don't get me wrong.  Where would we all be without the wonders of medicine.  I personally would be dead for many reasons.  I take life saving medicines that do just that: save my life on a daily basis.
     How can you improve your overall health so that cancer, heart attack, stroke or some other horrible life robbing disease does not come your way?  A balanced life of good diet, exercise, stress coping, inspiration, and a positive outlook go a long way.  
    Now to go further.  How can you make your house healthy so you will stay healthy.  Go upstairs into the bathroom and count the number of shampoos, hair products, dental products, air fresheners etc all chemicals and how many of them really necessary.  Under your sink somewhere are how many cleaning products?  What about wall to wall carpeting which contains VOCs:  Volatile Organic Compounds:  cyclohexene,toluene, styrene which are use to stain proof and contained in the latex backing.  Some of these compounds are either known carcinogens or suspected.  This research comes from The Johns Hopkins Magazine Article:  "Home Sick Home"  September, 2000.  In the early 1990's USC did research on 362 homes and found DDT in the carpeting of 90 homes.  I guess we better start doing a better job of wiping our feet on the little rug in the entrance way.
   There is so much more in this article but I do not want to overwhelm you.  I prefer and use hardwood flooring because my husband noticed a dramatic improvement in my health after removing carpeting.  Healthy carpeting free of these chemicals is very expensive.  If you are going to go with carpeting, it is suggested by this article to leave the windows open, use fans to pull out the VOC off-gassing which occurs  a lot of which occurs when installed and let the gasses literally go out the window.  Deep cleaning your carpets is necessary as well as the use of dehumidifiers to keep chemical off gassing from occurring in general in your house.  Start with a dehumidifier for basement and dehumidify any other area.

    Since 90% of time is spent indoors, make sure it is healthy air as possible.  Open the windows when you can.  Run allergy air purifiers, period.  They kill mold, pull in biological contaminants like germs, bacteria, viruses, pollen, and if have activated charcoal aggravating fumes and chemicals.  Read more at: Warning: Your House Is Very Polluted!  

Imagine the battles of these loved ones with cancer.

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