Monday, October 29, 2012

Feel Lousy All The Time?

Do You Feel Lousy And Don't Know Why?

    Do you wake up and just feel like you never sleep?  Not only that, the usual morning headache awaits you.  Yes you need a cup of coffee to get going but you feel no better.  Did you ever consider that you have chronic fatigue?  Probably too busy to even think about it.  You look at your life and wonder what can I change?  Lot of folks do not have energy because they eat infrequently and even too late.  Eat small frequent nutritious meals might get you on the right path.  Definitely fit in exercise even inside but preferably with a friend so it's not torture. So if you eat frequent small meals, exercise and get enough rest why do you feel like a slug?
     There may be an underlying condition that you are experiencing but you do not want to go to the dr.  Some docs will think that you are looking for attention.  But over time it justs keeps getting harder and harder to move.  What on earth could be wrong with me?  Maybe I need a new job?  You could.
     You probably have chronic headaches that you are used to.  Pain meds don't help so you suck it up.  There is something to consider on the radical side and that is mold exposure.  This is considered a 21st Century plague.  There are so many houses with mold. Over half of all buildings in the U.S. suffer from water intrusion:  mold according to NIOSH.  Does you basement have a bunch of stuff stored in cardboard boxes?  Carpeting down there?  Do you have a dehumidifier for basement running in the humid months?  If you don't you have a moldy basement.  All that porous stuff like cardboard boxes, wood, construction supplies,newspapers etc are moldy.  So, you open the basement door and those pesky mold stores visit and multiply on that cushy couch in the living room.  Mold migrates and grows in warm, dark, damp places.  It is amazing how many people never open their drapes to let the sun in.
     Mold makes you sick.  The longer you are around it the worse you feel.  It drains you of energy, chronic headaches which can be downright nasty.  Asthma and allergy symptoms can be caused or aggravated by mold.  Are you having a hard time concentrating or remembering things?  There are many conditions associated with mold due to a genetic flaw which I will blog on later.  How Mold Affects You
    4 step to feeling better:
1.  Run dehumidifier for basement in humid months.   Do not turn off. Prevent mold.
2.  Run allergy air purifiers through house to kill mold.
3.  Clean all surfaces with Borax and kill mold on surfaces.
4.  Hepa vacuum all surfaces to remove dead mold spores.            

Having a dehumidifier in your basement is a must to prevent mold.  Cleaning the air with air purifiers is also something everyone should do.  Use a quality hepa vacuum. Visit:  Amazon Store for all of these products.

It is obvious that you need to pitch anything that is moldy.  De-clutter you house and pitch as much as you can.  That is just more to clean. Need allergy air purifiers? Hit the sales link or feel free to stop at our online store.
Live Healthy...Be Happy

To help you feel better, I found a product that enables you to feel better all around.  Here is what Laminine does:

  1. It improves your overall sense of health and well being
  2. Promotes more restful sleep enabling your body to heal.
  3. Restores the body to its natural state of homeostasis.
  4. Aids in brain function and activity.
                                                         Laminie: Better Health

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