Some people consider it ‘Yuppie Syndrome” or maybe you work too many hours, but you never really feel rested and you are always tired. There is a need to get to the bottom of this. Will the fatigue get worse with age? Wow that would really stink. What causes chronic fatigue? Let’s look at a few possibilities that you should consider.
Have allergies? Allergies like mold allergies, dirt mite allergies and just allergies can drain you of your energy. There is a battle going on inside. It is important to treat the allergies but go further. Those allergens and dirt mites need to be gone from your house. To do that, use a dehumidifier in the basement to stop humdity and mold from growing. Mold is a trigger for allergies and mold allergies and can trigger asthma attacks. High humidity can also cause the dirt mite population to grow.
Clean the air of pollen. You do that by using allergy air purifiers throughout the house. Docs often tell you to run them in the bedroom which is certainly a idea. But you have mold and pollen all through your house. Use allergy air purifiers according to the square footage of your house.
Last step. Clean everything with Borax. Thorough cleaning is always beneficial. Use a hepa vacuum to clean up dead mold spores and suck up pollen left on surfaces. Always close windows at night as that is when pollen count increases.
See if you feel better then. If not keep going to see if your fatigue is the result of some underlying condition. Make sure that you are eating fairly often. Healthy meals certainly make a difference if eaten through the day. And don’t eat too much as that makes anyone fatigued. Lots of folks have terrible eating habits that will certainly lead to fatigue.
Sleep at regular intervals. Figure out how much sleep you need and don’t over do it. Everyone has a sleeping pattern. Not everyone needs 8 hours of sleep. The Lord told us to take a Sabbath. Well, do you? Are you always doing something 7 days a week. You need to chill out on that one day. It heals and refreshes you. Read the Bible” Proverbs are great. Poetry or engage in meaningful conversation with a spouse or friend. Reduce stress by getting some exercise.
Hope this helps. The tips to have the dehumidifiers, allergy air purifiers and hepa vacuum are a must for every home. Mold exposure is not good for the health of anyone. To kill and prevent mold also decreases pollen and dirt mites.
Hope you figure out the source of your fatigue. Live healthy…Be happy!
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