If you could live in a house where the air was cleaned of 99.97% of mold, germs, bacteria, pollen, viruses and more would you do it? Is this clean air important to the development of your baby's lungs? Will breathing clean air possibly prevent asthma? The amazing thing is that there is a way to clean indoor air. It is not complicated. It's simple.
Allergy air purifiers have been around for some time. They are usually sold to people with asthma, allergies, and breathing problems. Clean air is good for everyone. I want them and have them in my house for everyone's benefit. Does it really matter if you are "healthy"? If you live in the indoor air pollution that we do, will you stay healthy? No you won't. That is why you need to purchase and constantly run allergy air purifiers in your home. They actively kill mold, germs, viruses, bacteria, pollen and are capable of removing chemicals from the air. (Wow, just maybe I won't get cancer from the carpeting I own!) They are 99.97% efficient. This is a great buy for people who want to work at and staying healthy. Who would consciously want to live with mold, germs, bacteria, viruses and chemicals attacking your body every day? Hey, we have so much at our disposal to be healthy today.
In another installment, we will look at different features an allergy air purifier can include. For now, it is an absolute must that an allergy air purifier have hepa filtration. This is what works to catch mold, germs viruses, etc and clean the air of 99.97% of the bad stuff. Yet, you can a fully loaded allergy air purifiers that do even more!
This is just great news. Living in clean air. Yes you should definitely open your windows because the air outside is far less polluted. And while you are at it, let some sunshine into the house. Mold does not grow in sunlight.
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